My TV debut!

I never, in a million years, ever thought I would write a title like this one! But it really did happen, and this is how it all unfolded.
I was in Afghanistan in January, and soon after I was approached by an online paper who wanted to do an article. This duly happened, (, and then just before I went to Eritrea, I had an email from a researcher at TV3, an Irish tv station!

I was gobsmacked, to say the least, and so I explained the situation, and asked if I could postpone things until I got back.  In the meantime I talked over the whole thing with my children, and they were both adamant that I should go for it, not least because that it could give another Parkinson’s patient considerable hope.  This was a valid argument because I had received some very positive messages from fellow sufferers after the newspaper article.

So I went for it!  I must say the researcher was very reassuring, and once I forwarded a synopsis of my diagnosis and travelling, we settled on a date for the interview.  I live some distance from Dublin, and because it was an early morning, and live, programme,  TV3 put me up in a hotel the night before.

I had asked about dress code, and it was smart/casual, so I had to think about what to wear.  Two days before the programme, I had a trying on session at home, and sent photos to my daughter for her opinion.  Jeans, spotty jacket and bright top were chosen, and it was then that I began to stress about what I had let myself in for!  Needless to say I found it difficult to sleep that night!

The day before the interview, I made my way to Dublin, and spent the journey using every method I could think of to subdue the rising dread.  I got to the hotel early evening, and seriously considered a few glasses of wine to calm me.  However, common sense prevailed, and I stayed in my room with a book.

I don’t think I slept more than an hour, and although my taxi wasn’t due to collect me until 07.30am,  I was up and in the shower before 05.00am!  It was when I went to dry my freshly washed hair, I discovered I had neither brush nor comb!  The hotel shop was closed, so my fingers had to suffice, and I tried to ignore the rising panic which manifested itself in my shake becoming more pronounced, and rather less controllable!  Of course that didn’t help when I came to do my makeup, but I did my best!  Given I am at my worst first thing in the morning, wearing heels for the first time in ages was probably not the best idea I ever had – wobbly only begins to describe my walk!

Pride overcame sense and I was off.  I checked out, and went the short drive to the studio.  I wobbled my way in, and was met by a researcher who explained what would happen.  I was taken to makeup, where my own work passed muster, and I only needed a powdering.  A cup of coffee was almost impossible to drink because the shake was at an all time high, so I just breathed deeply and waited. There were a few local ‘celebs’ around, TV regulars, who seemed completely calm and at home – how I envied them!  Then I noticed the two female presenters, and horrors!  Both of them were wearing spots too!  When I eventually went into the studio, I remarked on our collective impeccable taste, and the resulting laugh helped me enormously.  Nonetheless, I was shaking so much that when I sat on my hand to try to disguise it, the whole couch shook!

The two presenters were fantastic, their relaxed, empathetic demeanour helped hugely, and the end result is here to be seen.



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